
Native American Heritage Spotlight Earnest and Burton Wungnema

  Earnest Wungnema a Hopi master stone mason brought his skills to the Stewart Indian School in order to teach his son Burton (1927-1956) and the other students the art of stone masonry. The students worked hard on the stone buildings and it is due to their hard work that the Stewart Indian School buildings […]

Native American Heritage Month Spotlight Matika Wilbur

  Matika Wilbur is a visual storyteller from the Swinomish and Tulalip peoples of coastal Washington. Her work focuses on the true essence and beauty of contemporary indigenous communities. Matika worked with the youth of her community and encouraging them to explore their creative side. It was during this time that Matika found that “The […]

Native American Heritage Month Spotlight Chief Numaga

Numaga (1830-1871) was a great Paiute Chief known for peace. Facing severe threats to his people by invading white forces, Numaga repeatedly chose peace when he could but always remained a fierce warrior. He led his people to victory in the Battle of Pyramid Lake (1860) His successful peace negotiations after the Battle of Pyramid […]

Native American Heritage Month Spotlight, Jack Malotte

Jack Malotte (1953-) a Western Shoshone/Washoe artist, was raised on the Walker River Indian Reservation. Jack is an active member of The Great Basin Native Artists. Through this group, his work is frequently exhibited in art galleries and art centers throughout the state of Nevada. Jack produced graphics for the Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous […]

Native American Heritage Month Spotlight, Dr. Susan La Flesche

  Susan LaFlesche Picotte(1865-1915) was an Omaha Native American doctor and reformer in the late 19th century. Susan is widely acknowledged as the first Native American to earn a medical degree. She campaigned for public health and for the formal, legal allotment of land to members of the Omaha tribe.

Native American Heritage Month Spotlight, Mary & Carrie Dann

The Dann Sisters, Mary Dann(1923-2005), and Carrie Dann (1932-) are Western Shoshone ranchers and land rights activist. Their work on behalf of the rights of others earned them the 1993 Right Livelihood Award. In 2008 American Outrage, a documentary film explored their leadership in the disputes with the federal government over the government’s breaking of […]

Native American Population Grows in Clark County

LAS VEGAS (AP) – The U.S. Census Bureau says Nevada’s Clark County has one of the fastest growing Native American populations in the country. The bureau estimates that between July 2017 and 2018 the number of Native Americans living in the county that includes Las Vegas grew at a faster rate than any other large county […]